GitHub for Beginners
Written by Eddie • 22 October 2019
At time of writing, I've just finished the second year of my CompSci degree and am taking a placement year in industry. Two years ago, I had absolutely no programming experience and I'm sure there are other people in a similar situation.
Here's what I wish somebody had told me...
1. Make a GitHub profile, and put everything on there.
If your course is structured anything like mine, you might not encounter Git at all until second year. Given that it's such a fundamental part of this field, this is unacceptable. GitHub will become your public technical profile, a way to share your work with others and an access point like a portfolio you can show to employers.
What is it?
GitHub is used for version control. Whenever you make a significant change to your code, you upload the change (called a 'commit'), and the project ('repository') can be rebuilt any number of times using this commit history. For example, my personal website has a repository, and you can see a detailed list of the commit history.
Glossary of terms
- Version Control: The process of uploading incremental changes to your work
- Repository: The online location of your entire project's codebase
- Commit: A change to your code. This is given a message and a unique identifier (a SHA hash), which means you can see a clear history of your development and undo steps as needed
- Diff
erenceReport: A tool provided by GitHub that allows you to see a direct, line-by-line comparison of your commit with what's already on the repository - Local: A copy of the repository stored on your local machine
- Remote: A copy of the repository stored on a remote location (could be another local folder, another machine on your network, or a "real" remote machine such as Github)
What makes that useful?
- You can access this code from any computer with an internet connection
- Having a commit history means you can see clearly how your development progressed. More importantly, you can undo commits as needed. Bugs are going to happen. They're unavoidable. But being able to see the difference report for your commits is invaluable in finding where the bug was introduced, and being able to undo commits as needed is invaluable in fixing them.
- As mentioned briefly above, GitHub creates a diff report for your commits. This is useful for reviewing code - you can see exactly what changes have been made and raise comments if you think something looks wrong or could be improved. It's a process I've started using even when I'm working on my own, because it's useful to have that final look through what you're about to save
- This is how things are actually done in industry - this might seem like an odd point, but getting used to it early encourages better programming practice. There's a chance you'll be outright asked for your experience with version control in interviews, and being able to show a GitHub profile (even if it's just filled with small projects you've done for fun or for your course) will be a good reflection on you.
Sounds great in theory! How do I actually use it?
Initialising a repository
Assuming you've got a GitHub account set up and project in mind, getting started with version control is simple.
Through the GitHub site, create a new repository. There will be an option to initialise the project with a
, which is good to check. That will create an empty Markdown document that will be displayed on the repositories page to share important information with people viewing it. -
With this created, you'll be presented with a page like this, albeit much more empty. There will be a button in the corner,
Clone or Download
, and when you click it you'll be given a link:
Get a copy of this!
You'll need to open up a command line -
on Windows, orTerminal
on Mac. This will by default open in your root drive (Windows usesC:\
by default) and you can use basic commands to navigate to where you want to store your repositories. I've put a command cheatsheet below, feel free to refer to this if you're unsuremkdir documents/repositories cd documents/repositories
...clone a local copy of your repository..
git clone
... and navigate into your repository
cd your-repository-name
That's the setup for local development sorted! You can do this from any machine and get a copy of your repository to use anywhere. You can create your project in this directory and start to fill in content.
When you have something you want to upload - this can just be setting up the default project, for example - go to the next steps.
Making a commit
With your command line set up as before and already in the correct directory, you're good to make your first commit
Check what you're about to upload. Run the following command which will show you what files you're about to commit
N.B here a
denotes a response from the terminalgit status > On branch github-blog-post > Changes not staged for commit: > (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) > (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) > modified: _layouts/post.html > modified: collections/_blog-posts/ > no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
This response is telling me that, at time of writing, I've modified two documents in my repository - both related to the blog post I'm writing at the moment.
Stage these changes for commit - this is where you select which changes to include in the commit
git add collections/_blog-posts/ # --- # Alternatively, to add all changed files... # --- git add -A # --- # And to add all modified or deleted files, but NOT new files... # --- git add -u
Create a commit for these changes. Give this a message with the
taggit commit -m 'Added making a commit tutorial' > git[github-blog-post 5b36022] Added making a commit tutorial > 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
And push this to your repository:
git push > Enumerating objects: 13, done. > Counting objects: 100% (13/13), done. > Delta compression using up to 8 threads > Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. > Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 4.03 KiB | 4.03 MiB/s, done. > Total 7 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) > remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects. > To > dc92a21..5b36022 github-blog-post -> github-blog-post
Now if you visit your repository on GitHub,
, you'll see your changes published there. Now you'll also be able to visit the commits
tab to see a history of your changes, and view an individual commit to see the diff report.
Explore as much as you want to - this will become very familiar very quickly, so don't worry if the command line stuff seems daunting at first.
There are of course more advanced steps with version control that are designed to give you an efficient and thoroughly tested workflow that you're welcome to research - branches & pull requests are a good start.
Basics of CLI Cheatsheet
- cd: Change directory, this is used for traversing your storage in the command line. For example,
cd documents/repos
will navigate to, if the source is found, the repos folder in your documents.
cd ../
can be used to navigate up a path level, for example if you're already in repos
and want to return to documents
- ls: List, this is used to show files and folders in your current directory. This can be useful when using cd to remember filenames
- git status: This will return a report on what files have been changed since your last commit
- git add: This is used to stage files ready to be committed. It can be used with
as options to add all changed files - git commit: This creates a commit based on staged files. Use the
option to add a message to this commit - git push: This pushes your local commits to your remote repository
Thats the tutorial part of this post covered - from here on out it's just a few notes I feel would be useful to anyone starting a programming course.
2. Explore any and all technologies that interest you
You're interested in making mobile apps? Do it. You're interested in making games? Start. If theres something that makes you genuinely excited and passionate about programming, exploit it. You're going to work on a lot of boring projects in your life, don't let whatever inspired you to study this in the first place get squashed by them.
3. Make projects for fun!
To this end, don't limit yourself to the boring projects at all. I play Dungeons & Dragons (shocking), so I made a simple C# program that rolled dice for me in case I ever forgot mine. I learned VBA and made a faux procedurally-generated mapmaker in Excel.
It doesn't matter how seemingly small or insignificant these projects seem, if it keeps you engaged and eager to learn new skills, it's worth it.
4. Use online tutorials
But I'm barely a first year! I know how to make a terminal say my name and that's about it, I hear you cry. And to that I say get on Google and get on tutorials. Before my placement started I taught myself the basics of Ruby on Rails using this wonderful tutorial.
My best recommendation is to decide on a language or framework you're interested in. This could be by:
- Having an idea in mind (I wonder if it'd be possible to generate a maze using the Excel spreadsheet as a grid?) and jumping to Google: "Writing code in Excel". This'll then point you to VBA, and the handy documentation for people trying to learn it.
- Have a specific project in mind. "I've had this great idea for an app!". Same process: "Getting started with mobile development"
- Gaming the system - say you have a specific career path in mind, or just want to stay ahead of the curve: "Most used programming languages for web development".
You have complete freedom over what you choose to study outside of your course. Take advantage of this time!
5. Go to hackathons
Hackathon: An organised event (check with any computing societies at your university, or the MLH website to see when) that, in my experience, are dedicated 12-hour sessions of programming around a given theme
Struggling to find time to work on your own projects? Take part in events organised for people like you. Hackathons are a great learning experience and can be a lot of fun. In my experience they...
- are free to sign up for
- offer lunch & refreshments
- are a great chance to network and meet people you wouldn't necessarily otherwise
- let you dedicate some real time to a project you want to work on.
If you don't have any projects in mind, turn up anyway - there's typically a prompt to inspire you.